Sunday, February 10, 2019

The YOU you bring

What resonated for you in the learning materials about cultural differences and individual differences? Select three aspects of your culture/personality that you feel affect your performance in negotiations. About each, answer:
1.     What is the aspect of you that you'll discuss? Where did it come from (family, biology, work, school, church)?
2.     In what ways does this aspect of you affect your performance in negotiations (refer to the learning materials to inform this)? Does it hurt or help?
3.     How can you use it effectively going forward?

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Influential You

The Influential You
This blog entry is about you using the influence tactics you learned in this module to affect situations in your everyday life outside of class. Specifically, choose three of the influence tactics (or principles of persuasion) from the learning materials. For each, think of a real-life situation coming up in the next few weeks where the tactic could be useful. Indicate the tactic/situation matches and for each, answer:
  1. What is your goal in the situation?
  2. How will the influence tactic help you reach that goal? That is, why this tactic?
  3. Put some context around it. How will you approach the person you want to influence. Script out a few sentences of how you'll apply the tactic.