Sunday, January 27, 2019

Conflict and You


How do you relate to conflict? For some of you, conflict resolution is a strength. For others, conflict is something to avoid at all costs. After navigating the conflict resolution simulation module, completing the Thomas-Kilmann Inventory (TKI) and negotiating the "Texoil" case, you should have a deeper understanding about how to engage in productive conflict, what your natural tendencies are, and where you can have the greatest impact in conflict resolution. For this assignment, write a blog post that advances your relationship with conflict and conflict resolution. Specifically, answer:
  • What did you learn about yourself and your natural tendencies with conflict. Use examples from the TKI and your Texoil negotiation to illustrate.
  • What are your goals in terms of developing your conflict resolution skills? (Include in this which styles of conflict resolution you want to develop further).
  • Give an example of a previous conflict scenario, what happened, and how you would deal with it differently given your current understanding of conflict and your goals for development?

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Bias in Negotiations

Write a post in your blog about how bias has affected you in decision making or negotiations in the past. If you cannot come up with a personal example, cite one from public knowledge (history, politics, culture, etc.). For the situation you select, please describe:
1. What happened? 
2. Which type of bias did this illustrate?
3. What was the effect of the bias?
4. What can you do to keep yourself from falling prey to that bias again (be specific and concrete!).